I previously had faith that the US government could possibly pass a budget that everybody seems to agree needs to be passed. At present, it seems that that's not happening.
Maybe it's the inherent problems with both the Democrats and the Republicans budget. The Democrats, in short, want to raise taxes on the upper class and make some cuts in spending, mostly military. The Republicans would like to make major cuts in every part of government. Each of these would probably only solve half the problem.
For the US to balance its books, we need to raise taxes on everyone and really take a good look at what needs to be cut. For example, military spending is out of control. We don't need to spend 50 billion dollars on flying humvees. Yes, that was a project, and it was an utter failure. The Army is notorious for throwing away time and money on pet projects that end up collapsing.
So the Republicans come along and say "Military cuts are off limits!" What? Does that even make a hint of sense? It's the sector of government that spends the most! It's hypocritical to say that it shouldn't be cut. Of course, the Tea Party doesn't mind making minor cuts in military spending, but only minor.
That isn't to say that government spending isn't out of control as well. We don't need to be paying taxes to support people who can't pay for gas. That's a total waste of money and a pet project that the Democrats will fight tooth and nail to defend, along with their precious Medicare and Medicaid.
So, what should Congress do then, Mr. Inspective Nudibranch, know-it-all political analyst? First of all, stop quibbling and get to work! The recent affairs of Representative Wiener mean absolutely nothing to the government of the United States! Republicans, stop threatening to shut down the government in the event that your budget isn't passed! Democrats, actually come up with a reasonable budget that makes the Republicans look like men wielding chainsaws on the American people!
Here's where to look. We've already got worthless agricultural subsidies that only help out the big farm companies on the chopping block. Let's put oil subsidies there too. Republicans, once again, stop being hypocrites! You want to cut spending only in the places that don't matter to you! Avoid NASA and the EPA at all costs! The only valid argument against climate change is that there isn't enough evidence. Well, the only way to prove there is no evidence is to actually look for evidence! That's how science works, Republicans and Democrats (more evidence towards climate change = greater argument). NASA has no money! What happened to "We'll get to the moon in ten years!" in the 60s? Now, all the pledges to return to the moon by, I don't know, 2015, 2035, whatever, are always forgotten. Why? Because NASA doesn't have any money, and has to go through the partisan Congress to get it, whose opinion can change on a whim! This should be a non-issue. Don't touch NASA or the EPA.
Instead, rip the military to shreds! Examine every single project currently being paid for, and decide whether it will A. help save lives or B. have civilian applications. New assault rifles? Cut! New naval vessels? Cut! Advanced, cheap, and durable computer systems? Save! Armored vehicles safe from IEDs? Save! Just like that, billions of wasted dollars could be saved.
Salaries of government officials have already been cut, but they need to do more. 5% isn't enough, we need at least a 75% reduction in government salaries. We do not need to be paying people who basically sit on their ass all day and maybe make a few decisions 175 thousand dollars per year! That's ridiculous! You are supposed to go into Congress because you see at as your civic duty, remaining at your normal job! Representatives and Senators stay in office for years with good benefits and high salaries, and barely have to do any thing except vote on a few issues occasionally! This needs to end!
To top off large cuts in waste, we need to raise taxes on everyone. The Republicans keep stating, "We don't have a revenue problem!" If we don't have a revenue problem, why do we have a deficit this large? We could spend whatever we liked if we didn't have a revenue problem! Their argument that the top tax bracket consists only of small business owners is similarly invalid, as is the Democrats that it's only filled with millionaires with 50-foot yachts that hoard all their money to themselves. Furthermore, taxes seems to matter little in terms of job creation. Go look at Norway and Sweden, whose people are supposedly crushed by tax burdens, and you'll see that business is thriving just as well as in the US. Taxes don't seem to matter as much, they say. I'm not making this up; here's the link to the article:
Go check it out, and you'll be surprised about how little taxes to small businesses. Maybe it's because Norwegians see it as a payment for good social services they receive. Maybe it's a good idea to have free health care, but higher taxes to pay for it. So, that argument is invalid as well. It's still unfair to crush small businessmen and women under billionaire-level taxes, so we need to split the tax bracket.
I doubt anybody actually will hear me ranting into space in a plastic bubble. If you are listening, please speak up. It let's me know you care. Please. Just one comment makes me know this blog matters to someone other than myself.

If there's anything I've learned about politics, it's that it's mostly about opinions. If you have an opinion on an issue, then you can argue about it, and, thus, can be a politician. My views come from a scientific standpoint; one may say the scientists' views. Through this, I came up with the simple name "Raw Political Science." You don't necessarily have to agree with me to read this, and I'd prefer if you didn't agree. Please comment. If you disagree, present your argument politely. Enjoy.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
On Other Matters . . .
So, I've talked about politics for a while now, and am closing in on the anniversary of this blog. However, I want to see if anyone is actually listening. If you have at least once read a post, or regularly read posts, but haven't subscribed, please place your name (real or online) in the comments.
I just wanted to know if I'm ranting into space or into a small group of people's ears. And, hey, tell me if you agree or disagree. I'd love to hear discussion.
Once again, just put your name, real or online, into the comments section.
I just wanted to know if I'm ranting into space or into a small group of people's ears. And, hey, tell me if you agree or disagree. I'd love to hear discussion.
Once again, just put your name, real or online, into the comments section.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Climate of Stupidity
You know, sometimes it feels like I'm ranting to a brick wall, mostly because nobody actually follows this blog. Oh well. Yelling at a brick wall is sometime better than yelling at nothing.
However, I can't shake this feeling of non-importance, in more ways than one; firstly the one above, and secondly because I can't stop stupid people from doing stupid things.
These people, namely, are John Shimkus (R-Illinois) and James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), along with many other senators who have simply decided that politics comes before science. This is simply unacceptable.
Perhaps it would be best to begin as to why these congressmen are acting so foolishly. For one, they are both heads of committees that discuss environmental legislation. This is a ploy to make sure such legislation does not pass. Mr. Inhofe strongly believes that global warming is "a hoax." Mr. Shimkus argues that since God did not destroy the Earth with a flood in the Bible, why should modern society be worried about the effects of greenhouse gasses?
It's sickening.
Especially when you consider statistics. 83% of Americans think that the EPA should be doing a better job, according to a Gallup and USA Today poll. So why do these people get elected?
Mostly, it's because most Americans also don't think to look at their elected officials opinions beyond the headlines.
So, the next time you're at the voting both, take a moment to think about the general intelligence of your congressmen, or senator, or president. It might just save your life. Because, if people like this have their way, we're going to have much more than Hell to pay.
However, I can't shake this feeling of non-importance, in more ways than one; firstly the one above, and secondly because I can't stop stupid people from doing stupid things.
These people, namely, are John Shimkus (R-Illinois) and James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), along with many other senators who have simply decided that politics comes before science. This is simply unacceptable.
Perhaps it would be best to begin as to why these congressmen are acting so foolishly. For one, they are both heads of committees that discuss environmental legislation. This is a ploy to make sure such legislation does not pass. Mr. Inhofe strongly believes that global warming is "a hoax." Mr. Shimkus argues that since God did not destroy the Earth with a flood in the Bible, why should modern society be worried about the effects of greenhouse gasses?
It's sickening.
Especially when you consider statistics. 83% of Americans think that the EPA should be doing a better job, according to a Gallup and USA Today poll. So why do these people get elected?
Mostly, it's because most Americans also don't think to look at their elected officials opinions beyond the headlines.
So, the next time you're at the voting both, take a moment to think about the general intelligence of your congressmen, or senator, or president. It might just save your life. Because, if people like this have their way, we're going to have much more than Hell to pay.
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