Hello dear listeners. I have just read that the New START Treaty, a vital treaty to reduce nuclear arms, is due for vote in the next few weeks. The Republican party, which had mostly opposed the treaty, has seen the views of its electorate, and decided to split. The more conservative Republicans continue to oppose the treaty, citing that it would lower America's ability to respond to threats and lower the danger of Mutually Assured Destruction. These are invalid points. We (we meaning the entire global community) currently have enough nuclear arms to annihilate every country on the planet three times over. The decreasing of our supplies of nuclear weapons from roughly 2,200 to 1,500 is a task for the safety of the global community. I certainly don't want to be killed in World War III. Because, as Einstein said, "I don't know how World War III will be fought, but I know how the Fourth World War will be: rocks!"
Now the question is how to correctly utilize the stocks of enriched uranium and plutonium that each nuclear weapon contains. I do not know if this is on the table, but I think that this fissile material should be used to fuel a new era in the construction of nuclear power plants. We can derive great stores of clean energy, provide plenty of jobs, and solve our nuclear crisis by simply utilizing the fuel for a better use. If this action is not taken, this hazardous material will probably end up in a military storage facility, the vast stores of energy it contains useless. That is not the path I would like to take.
Let's take out three birds with one stone. Let's switch to nuclear power.
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